December 2021

HOLIDAY DECORATING.  This year it was December 9 that we hung 40 wreaths in the block to celebrate the holiday season. We were lucky with the weather. It was cold — 37 degrees which meant cold fingers, but luckily no rain or snow.  In the “old days” a few of us who were active in the East 11th Street Block Association and a few neighbor volunteers used to string garland along the block and hang wreaths ourselves. Alas, that team, myself included, now of an age when getting on ladders is not advisable, we have wisely recruited a young team to get out the ladders and hang the wreaths. Your donations enable us to continue this activity to celebrate the joy of the holiday season and continue many other activities to keep our block clean, safe and attractive.

It’s rewarding that every year while we’re out hanging wreaths neighbors stop to admire the wreaths, thank us and often take photographs. After nearly two years into a pandemic, joyful thoughts for the holiday season are very much in order and are welcomed.

SPRING BULB PLANTING.  In November, before it got too cold, the Urban Gardener and her team got to work on our tree wells. The summer annuals were removed; the tree wells were fertilized and soil amendments added; and about 5,800 bulbs were planted for spring blooming.  

As you can imagine, this is a time consuming and back breaking job. Many thanks to The Urban Gardener. After a long, cold winter, in Spring 2022, we will all be revitalized when we see the spring bulbs pushing through and flowering.

TREE CARE. In mid-September, Urban Arborists added fall soil amendments to our trees. Some trees were “limbed up” as needed and the gingkos checked for brown leaves that we hadn't seen before. 

The two Willow Oaks (Quercos phellos) that we planted over the years are still beautiful in early December. Perhaps the handsomest of oaks, the slender willow-like leaves are stunning most of the year. Starting with bright green leaves in the spring and turning a deeper summertime green, in fall months including into early December the leaves are yellow, yellow-brown and russet. After age 15, the Willow Oaks will begin to drop their first acorns. We hope the pest free trees will be with us for many years helping to clean the air.  

STREET CLEANING.  We thank Socorro Inoa whom the Block Association employs to clean debris from the street and tree wells five days a week — Monday through Friday. She’s on the job first thing every week day morning for a couple hours before she goes to a second job. We can only imagine what our sidewalks and tree wells would be like without her Monday through Friday clean up. We hope those passing through our block consider its cleanliness and think twice about leaving their lunch bags, soda bottles, etc., behind. Thank you Socorro for your exceptional work.  

THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS.  Many thanks to friends and neighbors whose donations enable us to continue the work of the Block Association. With your help we invest in projects and work that we hope results in a safe, stable, attractive and comfortable residential environment.  

We are grateful for all donations. Thanks and Happy Holidays.