Our Mission & Association History


The East 11th Street Block Association is a not-for-profit organization as defined under IRS section 501 (c) 3. The Block Association was founded by interested neighbors in 1971 to develop a community of citizens to work with neighbors and public and private agencies in an effort to stabilize and enhance the quality of life in the block and neighboring areas, and to cooperate with similar associations in larger community development.


In the 1970s, the Block Association dealt with issues such as drugs in the neighborhood, lax sanitation rules and crime. After a very active period in the 70s, things quieted down and the Block Association was a little less active, but still vigilant about issues of common interest to residents and neighbors.

During the 1980s, work continued and neighbors were kept abreast of neighborhood issues.

At the end of the 1990s, it was decided that the organization would like to take on capital improvement projects to improve the attractiveness, safety and quality of life. 

Projects were undertaken in these areas:

  • Purchase and planting of bulbs and plants
  • Tree care with expert arborist organization
  • Protection of our trees with new tree surrounds
  • Improved lighting; replacement of Cobra lights that lit streets rather than sidewalks
  • Improved residential lighting
  • Block cleaning
  • Graffiti removal
  • Improved communication with neighbors through newsletter

In January 2000, we branded the East 11th Street Block Association when we commissioned art for a logo for use in our newsletter masthead and correspondence. Renowned New York artist, Jill Gill, generously donated the art for the masthead. Her drawing is of the five townhouses near the northwest corner of 11th Street and University Place. Jill has been memorializing many of New York’s streets and buildings before they disappear or give way to commercial buildings and high rises.

501(c) 3 status approved. In August 2000, after several months of work and correspondence with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the office of the Attorney General of the state of New York on behalf of the East 11th Street Block Association, the IRS ruled that we are a publicly supported organization. As such we are exempt from federal income tax, and contributions to the Block Association are tax deductible.