East 11th St. Block Association

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Summer 2023

While flowers and trees are blooming ahead of schedule, in some areas, we’re rushing to keep up. Here’s an update:

  • Spring Bulbs bloomed as expected in early to mid-April in vibrant orange and claret colors. 

  • Bulb Removal and Planting of Summer Annuals was accomplished later than usual due to a hospital stay by our gardener. But, Red Wing Begonias are now in place — one of the few plants that survive the scorching summer temperatures.

  • The Summer Watering Program began on June 1.

  • Spring Soil Amendments/Fertilizing of our trees by Urban Arborists was accomplished on schedule in early June.

  • Fall Bulb Planting. We’re already looking and thinking about what bulbs to order for fall planting.  

The Power of Trees

We refer you to a recent article in the Brooklyn Daily Eagle (July 10, 2023 by Lucien Clough) 

Brooklyn Botanic Garden President Adrian Benepe speaks on the power of trees and the 30% tree coverage goal.

From the article: “In a recent City Council hearing, the Parks Department was called on by environmentalists and officials to increase New York City’s tree canopy from the current 22% to 30% by 2035, an ambitious goal that would see the city investing in trees as actors against climate change. Adrian Benepe…believes that the goal is worth fighting for.”

In past newsletters we’ve also cited the benefits of trees that Benepe lists: “trees make neighborhoods cooler while absorbing pollution, giving out oxygen, and increasing real estate value by making a prettier block.”

In his previous role as Parks Commissioner, Benepe helped launch the Million Trees Program to encourage people to plant trees. The article points out the battle of maintaining trees that currently exist. Maintenance of our 26 or so trees is a major focus East 11th Street Block Association. We view this work as an investment in our future. It’s heartbreaking to walk down nearby streets and see newly planted trees neglected and not watered. We look for doors to knock on to ask neighbors and owners to look after their trees.  

Much of the carbon that’s stored in trees in New York City is in large woodland trees, but City trees do their job too. And, we city dwellers can all attest to the benefit of trees shading and cooling our rooms and helping us reduce running our A/C units. Large buildings in New York City are already being asked to reduce their carbon footprint. In the coming years, all buildings will likely be subject to new regulations. Trees and shade help.

We recommend visiting the latest installation at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, The Power of Trees, which examines the science and culture of the BBG’s tree collection.  

We encourage everyone to look up — take notice and appreciate the role of trees in fighting climate change and benefiting our mental wellbeing. And, if you have an opportunity, plant a tree!

And, please continue to support the work of the East 11th Street Block Association with you donations.